Inushiki aka Doggystyle – Mafuyu no Rastafarism

Midwinter Rastafarianism



let’s get on the beat together,
let’s get appeal for the peace.
let’s get on the beat together,
let’s get appeal for the peace.
let’s get on the beat together,
let’s get appeal for the peace.
let’s get on the beat together,
let’s get appeal for the peace.

I had no money, so I gambled my life
The slot machine did not smile for me
From the platform at dusk, I gazed at the moon
The money, well, from tomorrow on, what should I do?
The harvest moon in the sky, flickering homesickness
“What will you do?”
The waltz of regret
Surging waves all the while, all the while, of money*
In a flash, disappears money
The train rushes into the building, and off come the passengers
it’s not loaded completely, that is to say just me
One time christian easily changing cars turning completely into a wanna-be Buddhist
A procession of lambs who have lost their words
Always soberly pitched forward
Our lives are like novels
I’ll ride the usual chill-um later!
The doors to the next train to come in are opened
It’s the last train so it’s gonna be packed one way or another
Thinking inside the traveling JR
On the long, continuous tracks, where is that person from before looking?
Where my life? Where my voice? Answering one’s own questions
Where my life?
Repeating in this beat
Daily allowance tied to food
Rasta-man Vibration GET in a dozen chimes
Frightfully high tension
Did you have a dream?
If so, next is the action of reality!

*I think this is kind of a play on words, he uses 間に before that, and then changes it to マニー, has the same pronunciation, but the meaning is that he needs money so desperately that everything circling in his mind comes back to that, even the words

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